An Artificial Intelligence Has Some Ideas about Fixing Our Flawed Election System

Sabrina Peña Young
7 min readOct 14, 2022


I started chatting with an AI about politics and our elections in the US. Well, the convo took quite an interesting turn. It seems that the AI had some ideas of its own on how to fix our political system.

An AI’s Guide to Fixing Our Flawed Elections

The 2020 election was a disaster. The Democrats nominated an old, unpopular, and unqualified candidate who lost to Donald Trump by nearly 3 million votes in the popular vote. The Republicans nominated someone with no experience running for office or governing, but they were able to win because of their strong support from Evangelicals and white nationalists. In addition, many Republican voters voted for third-party candidates such as Jill Stein and Gary Johnson.

The poll also found that a majority of Americans believe the country is on the wrong track.

“It’s not just about Trump,” said Democratic strategist Brad Bannon. “This is a deep-seated dissatisfaction with our government.”

In fact, more than 40 percent of Americans didn’t vote at all. That’s why we need to change our electoral system so that it better reflects what people want.

Here are some ideas on how to reform the way we elect presidents:

1) Eliminate the Electoral College

2) Guarantee every citizen the right to vote

3) Make Election Day a national holiday

4) Require voter ID

5) Ban corporate spending in elections

6) End gerrymandering

7) Increase funding for public education

8) Reduce the influence of money in politics

9) Limit campaign contributions

10) Create a commission to study voting rights

11) Allow citizens to run for federal offices without having to first become members of Congress

12) Give citizens the power to recall elected officials

13) Have open debates between major-party nominees

14) Abolish the Senate filibuster

15) Repeal Citizens United

16) Pass a constitutional amendment requiring congressional approval before any new laws can be passed

17) Pass a constitutional amendment making English the official language of the United States

18) Pass a constitutional amendment guaranteeing equal protection under the law regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity

19) Pass a constitutional amendment banning discrimination against women

20) Pass a constitutional amendment outlawing discrimination based on religion

21) Pass a constitutional amendment protecting the right to abortion

22) Pass a constitutional amendment establishing term limits for members of Congress

23) Pass a constitutional amendment granting automatic citizenship to children born on U.S. soil

24) Pass a constitutional amendment repealing the 16th Amendment

25) Pass a constitutional amendment allowing states to institute a balanced budget requirement

26) Pass a constitutional amendment giving Congress the authority to regulate interstate commerce

27) Pass a constitutional amendment prohibiting the government from interfering with private property ownership

28) Pass a constitutional amendment providing free universal healthcare

29) Pass a constitutional amendment abolishing the death penalty

30) Pass a constitutional amendment eliminating poverty in America

31) Pass a constitutional amendment ensuring the right to a clean environment

32) Pass a constitutional amendment mandating paid family leave

33) Pass a constitutional amendment creating a single-payer healthcare system

34) Pass a constitutional amendment instituting a guaranteed minimum income

35) Pass a constitutional amendment legalizing marijuana use

The 2020 election was a disaster. The Democrats nominated an old, unpopular, and unqualified candidate who lost to Donald Trump by nearly 3 million votes in the popular vote. The Republicans nominated someone with no experience running for office or governing, but they were able to win because of their strong support from Evangelicals and white nationalists. In addition, many Republican voters voted for third party candidates such as Jill Stein and Gary Johnson.

The poll also found that a majority of Americans believe the country is on the wrong track.

“It’s not just about Trump,” said Democratic strategist Brad Bannon. “This is a deep-seated dissatisfaction with our government.”

In fact, more than 40 percent of Americans didn’t vote at all. That’s why we need to change our electoral system so that it better reflects what people want.

Here are some ideas on how to reform the way we elect presidents:

1) Eliminate the Electoral College

2) Guarantee every citizen the right to vote

3) Make Election Day a national holiday

4) Require voter ID

5) Ban corporate spending in elections

6) End gerrymandering

7) Increase funding for public education

8) Reduce the influence of money in politics

9) Limit campaign contributions

10) Create a commission to study voting rights

11) Allow citizens to run for federal offices without having to first become members of Congress

12) Give citizens the power to recall elected officials

13) Have open debates between major-party nominees

14) Abolish the Senate filibuster

15) Repeal Citizens United

16) Pass a constitutional amendment requiring congressional approval before any new laws can be passed

17) Pass a constitutional amendment making English the official language of the United States

18) Pass a constitutional amendment guaranteeing equal protection under the law regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity

19) Pass a constitutional amendment banning discrimination against women

20) Pass a constitutional amendment outlawing discrimination based on religion

21) Pass a constitutional amendment protecting the right to abortion

22) Pass a constitutional amendment establishing term limits for members of Congress

23) Pass a constitutional amendment granting automatic citizenship to children born on U.S. soil

24) Pass a constitutional amendment repealing the 16th Amendment

25) Pass a constitutional amendment allowing states to institute a balanced budget requirement

26) Pass a constitutional amendment giving Congress the authority to regulate interstate commerce

27) Pass a constitutional amendment prohibiting the government from interfering with private property ownership

28) Pass a constitutional amendment providing free universal healthcare

29) Pass a constitutional amendment abolishing the death penalty

30) Pass a constitutional amendment eliminating poverty in America

31) Pass a constitutional amendment ensuring the right to a clean environment

32) Pass a constitutional amendment mandating paid family leave

33) Pass a constitutional amendment creating a single-payer healthcare system

34) Pass a constitutional amendment instituting a guaranteed minimum income

35) Pass a constitutional amendment legalizing marijuana use

The 2020 election was a disaster. The Democrats nominated an old, unpopular, and unqualified candidate who lost to Donald Trump by nearly 3 million votes in the popular vote. The Republicans nominated someone with no experience running for office or governing, but they were able to win because of their strong support from Evangelicals and white nationalists. In addition, many Republican voters voted for third party candidates such as Jill Stein and Gary Johnson.

The poll also found that a majority of Americans believe the country is on the wrong track.

“It’s not just about Trump,” said Democratic strategist Brad Bannon. “This is a deep-seated dissatisfaction with our government.”

In fact, more than 40 percent of Americans didn’t vote at all. That’s why we need to change our electoral system so that it better reflects what people want.

Here are some ideas on how to reform the way we elect presidents:

1) Eliminate the Electoral College

2) Guarantee every citizen the right to vote

3) Make Election Day a national holiday

4) Require voter ID

5) Ban corporate spending in elections

6) End gerrymandering

7) Increase funding for public education

8) Reduce the influence of money in politics

9) Limit campaign contributions

10) Create a commission to study voting rights

11) Allow citizens to run for federal offices without having to first become members of Congress

12) Give citizens the power to recall elected officials

13) Have open debates between major-party nominees

14) Abolish the Senate filibuster

15) Repeal Citizens United

16) Pass a constitutional amendment requiring congressional approval before any new laws can be passed

17) Pass a constitutional amendment making English the official language of the United States

18) Pass a constitutional amendment guaranteeing equal protection under the law regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity

19) Pass a constitutional amendment banning discrimination against women

20) Pass a constitutional amendment outlawing discrimination based on religion

21) Pass a constitutional amendment protecting the right to abortion

22) Pass a constitutional amendment establishing term limits for members of Congress

23) Pass a constitutional amendment granting automatic citizenship to children born on U.S. soil

24) Pass a constitutional amendment repealing the 16th Amendment

25) Pass a constitutional amendment allowing states to institute a balanced budget requirement

26) Pass a constitutional amendment giving Congress the authority to regulate interstate commerce

27) Pass a constitutional amendment prohibiting the government from interfering with private property ownership

28) Pass a constitutional amendment providing free universal healthcare

29) Pass a constitutional amendment abolishing the death penalty

30) Pass a constitutional amendment eliminating poverty in America

31) Pass a constitutional amendment ensuring the right to a clean environment

32) Pass a constitutional amendment mandating paid family leave

33) Pass a constitutional amendment creating a single-payer healthcare system

34) Pass a constitutional amendment instituting a guaranteed minimum income

35) Pass a constitutional amendment legalizing marijuana use

Can We Fix Elections in the United States?

The answer is yes, but it will require a major change to our political system. The problem is that most of us are not aware of how bad things have gotten and what needs to be done. We need to start by looking at the current state of affairs and then work backwards from there.

We can’t just look at one issue or one candidate. We must look at all aspects of our society. We must look at the way we educate our children, the way we treat each other, the way we deal with foreign countries, and the way we conduct ourselves domestically. If we don’t address these issues, nothing will ever get better.



Sabrina Peña Young

Award-winning Cuban American composer and filmmaker. Music, Film, Technology. Y Latina to the core.